Bat Eco2

Type of project : Region
Dates : September 2015 – August 2018
Research teams involved : ER 5
ER 1
ER 2
Project manager : Alain Bataille
Center concerned : University of Artois
Partners : Maisons et Cités SOGINORPA,
le Cd2e (Centre de compétence régional en développement durable),
le CIRAIG (Centre International de Recherche en Analyse du Cycle de vie)
CROA (Conseil Régional de l’Ordre des Architectes)

Project description

The Bat Eco2 project aimed to develop a tool for the environmental and economic assessment of solutions for renovating old buildings into social housing at the study stage conducted by project owners and contractors.

Bat Eco2 was composed of 3 phases, the first consisted in working on the methodological choices, specifically attached to the renovation of buildings. A second phase corresponded to the environmental and economic modeling of the case study. The final phase integrates analyzes of the results of studies in life cycle analysis (LCA) and life cycle cost analysis (LCCA), and the crossing of these results, as well as a reflection on the specifications necessary for the development of a software tool for calculating the environmental impacts and the economic cost of the building after the renovation and over a reference period. The case study is an old building used as a single-family dwelling, covering living spaces and two bedrooms and the housing plot. This dwelling is part of a housing estate comprising more than 70 dwellings of a similar type.

Scientific contributions from the laboratory

All LCA and ACCV methodology was discussed and chosen in the lab. Modeling and cross-referencing of results is worked on in the laboratory.

The scientific results have been the subject of numerous oral communications, by poster and in the press, and publications have been made and are in the process of being written.