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2529 Entrées « 44 de 51 »

2010Article de journal ER5

Auteurs : Moussaoui, Mohammed Amine; Jami, Mohammed; Mezrhab, Ahmed; Naji, Hassane

MRT-Lattice Boltzmann simulation of forced convection in a plane channel with an inclined square cylinder

Dans: International Journal of Thermal Sciences, vol. 49, no. 1, p. 131 - 142, 2010, ISSN: 1290-0729, (ACL).


2010Article de journal ER5

Auteurs : Moussaoui, Mohamed Amine; Jami, Mohamed; Mezrhab, Ahmed; Naji, Hassane

Computation of heat transfer and fluid flow in an obstructed channel using lattice Boltzmann method

Dans: Engineering Computations, vol. 27, no. 1, p. 106-116, 2010, (ACL).


2010Article de journal ER5

Auteurs : Naji, Hassane; Mompean, Gilmar

Computation of the Turbulent Flow in a Square Duct Using a Cubic Low-Reynolds Stress Model

Dans: Computer Modeling in Engineering & Sciences, vol. 53, no. 2, p. 181/-206, 2010, (ACL).

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2010Article de journal ER4

Auteurs : Dubois, Michel; Monnin, Christophe; Castelain, Teddy; Coquinot, Yvan; Gouy, Sophie; Gauthier, Arnaud; Goffé, Bruno

Investigation of the H2O-NaCl-LiCl System: A synthetic fluid inclusion study and thermodynamic modeling from -50° to +100°C and up to 12 mol/kg

Dans: Economic Geology, vol. 105, no. 2, p. 329-338, 2010, (ACL).


2010Article de journal ER2


Is phytoextraction a suitable green treatment for metal contaminatedsediments ?, Revue Paralia, N°3, pp 4.1-4.14, 18 octobre 2010 -1 : UNIVERSITE JEAN FOURIER ET CNRS -2 : INERIS - 3 : LGIT - UNIVERSITEDE GRENOBLE ET CNRS - 4 : BEAMLINE FAME ES

Dans: 2010, (ACL).

2010Article de journal ER2

Auteurs : Idrissi, M; Diouri, A; Damidot, Denis; Greneche, J; Talbi, Alami M; Taibi, M

Characterisation of iron inclusion during the formation of calciumsulfoaluminatephase, Cement and Concrete Research, N40, pp 1314-1319 (2010)

Dans: 2010, (ACL).

2010Article de journal ER2

Auteurs : Lebocey, J; Thiery, Vincent; Gratia, B

La concession miniere de Meymac (Correze)

Dans: Le regne mineral, vol. 91, p. 9-22, 2010.

2010Article de journal ER2

Auteurs : Lemière, Sébastien; MICHEL, P; Abriak, Nor-Edine; HAOUCHE, L; LABOUDIGUE, A; Alary, Claire; BADREDDINE, R; HAZEBROUCK, B; MEERSEMAN, J

Ŧhe GeDSeŦ project: constitution of a decision support tool (DST)for the management and material recovery of waterways sediments inBelgium and Northern France, Đéchet Sciences et Ŧechniques, N°57,2010 -1 : BRGM - 2 : ISSeP - 3 : INERIS -4 : C

Dans: 2010, (ACL).

2010Article de journal ER2

Auteurs : Lors, Christine; Ponge, J F; Martinez-Aldaya, M; Damidot, Denis

Comparison of solid-phase bioassays and ecoscores to evaluate thetoxicity of contaminated soils. Environmental Pollution, 158 : 2640-2647

Dans: 2010, (ACL).

2010Article de journal ER2

Auteurs : Lors, Christine; Ryngaert, A; Perie, F; Diels, L; Damidot, Denis

Evolution of the bacterial community during bioremediation of PAHsin a coal tar contaminated soil, Chemosphere, 81 : 1263-1271. IF: 3,054

Dans: 2010, (ACL).

2010Article de journal ER5

Auteurs : Jafar, R; Shahrour, Isam; Juran, Ilan

Application of Artificial Neural Networks (ANN) to model the failureof urban water mains MATHEMATICAL AND COMPUTER MODELLING Volume:51 Issue: 9-10 Pages: 1170-1180 DOI: 10.1016/j.mcm.2009.12.033

Dans: 2010, (ACL).

2010Article de journal ER2

Auteurs : Lothenbach, B; Damidot, Denis; Matschei, T; Marchand, J

Ŧhermodynamic modelling: state of knowledge and challenges, Advancesin Cement Research, Vol 22, N°4, pp 211-223 (2010

Dans: 2010, (ACL).

2010Conférence ER4

Auteurs : Elsworth, Ben; Cocquerelle, Claude; Brulle, Franck; Blaxter, M; Vandenbulcke, Franck

Identification of gene transcripts differentially expressed during metallic exposure in the immune circulating cells, namely coelomocytes, from Eisenia fetida exposed to metallic pollution

SETAC Europe 20th Annual Meeting, 23-27 May 2010, Seville (Spain), 2010, (ACTI).

2010Article de journal ER5

Auteurs : Sadek, Marwan; Mroueh, Hussein; Shahrour, Isam

Influence of Nonlinearity on the Stress Distribution in the Soil-Application to Road Engineering Problems

Dans: Journal of Transportation Engineering, vol. 136, no. 1, p. 77-83, 2010, (ACL).


2010Article de journal ER2

Auteurs : Petit, Jean-Yves; Khayat, K H; Wirquin, Eric

Effect of temperature on the rheology of flowable mortars, Cementand Concrete Composites, vol. 32, n°1, janvier 2010, pp. 43-53

Dans: 2010, (ACL).

2010Article de journal ER5

Auteurs : Debuchy, Roger; Nour, F Abdel; Bois, G

An Analytical Modeling of the Central Core Flow in a Rotor-StatorSystem With Several Pre-swirl Conditions., J. Fluids Eng. - Vol 132,Issue 6, DOI:10.1115/1.4001576 - June 2010.

Dans: 2010, (ACL).

2010Article de journal ER2

Auteurs : Petit, Jean-Yves; Wirquin, Eric

Effect of limestone filler content and superplasticizer dosage onrheological parameters of highly flowable mortars under light pressureconditions, Cement and Concrete Research, vol. 40, n° 2, février2010, pp. 235-2

Dans: 2010, (ACL).

2010Article de journal ER2

Auteurs : Pizette, Patrick; Martin, C L; Delette, G; Sornay, P; Sans, F

Compaction of aggregated ceramic powders: From contact laws to fractureand yield surfaces, Powder Ŧechnology (198), pp 240-250, 2010.

Dans: 2010, (ACL).

2010Article de journal ER2

Auteurs : Rémond, Sébastien

DEM simulation of small particles clogging in the packing of largebeads, Physica A, 389 (2010) 4485-4496.

Dans: 2010, (ACL).

2010Article de journal ER4

Auteurs : Fritsch, Clémentine; Giraudoux, Patrick; Coeurdassier, Michaël; Douay, Francis; Raoul, Francis; Pruvot, Christelle; Waterlot, Christophe; De-Vaufleury, Annette; Scheifler, Renaud

Spatial distribution of metals in smelter-impacted soils of woody habitats: Influence of landscape and soil properties, and risk for wildlife

Dans: Chemosphere, vol. 81, p. 141-155, 2010, (ACL).


2010Conférence ER4

Auteurs : Pérès, Guénola; Vandenbulcke, Franck; Guernion, Muriel; Piron, Denis; Rougé, Laurence; Hedde, Mickaël; Bispo, Antonio; Galsomies, Laurence; Grand, Cécile; Cluzeau, Daniel

The use of earthworms as tool for soil monitoring, characterization and risk assessment. Example of a Bioindicator Programme developed at National scale (France)

International Symposium on Earthworm Ecology (ISEE). 5-10 September 2010, Xalapa, Veracruz (Mexico), 2010, (ACTI).

2010Article de journal ER3

Auteurs : Ambriz, R R; Mesmacque, G; Ruiz, A; Amrouche, Abdelwaheb; Lopez, V H

Effect of the welding profile generated by the modified indirect electric arc technique on the fatigue behavior of 6061-Ŧ6 aluminum alloy. Materials Science and Engineering A ,527 (7-8), pp. 2057-2064.

Dans: 2010, (ACL).

2010Article de journal ER3

Auteurs : AMBRIZ, R R; MESMACQUE, G; RUIZ, A; Amrouche, Abdelwaheb; LOPEZ, V H; BENSEDDIQ, N

Fatigue crack growth under a constant amplitude loading of Al-6061-Ŧ6welds obtained by modified indirect electric arc technique. Scienceand Ŧechnology of Welding and Joining. Volume: 15, Issue: 6. pp 514-521.2010.

Dans: 2010, (ACL).

2010Article de journal ER5

Auteurs : ETAIX, N; Leblanc, Alexandre; FINK, M; ING, R K

Ŧhickness or phase velocity measurements using the Green's functioncomparison method, IEEE Ŧransactions on Ultrasonics, Ferroelectricsand Frequency Control, 57(8), 1804-1812

Dans: 2010, (ACL).

2010Article de journal ER4

Auteurs : Gineys, Nathalie; Aouad, Georges; Damidot, Denis

Managing trace elements in Portland cement – Part I: Interactions between cement paste and heavy metals added during mixing as soluble salts

Dans: Cement & Concrete Composites, vol. 32, no. 8, p. 563-570, 2010, (ACL).


2010Article de journal ER5

Auteurs : Farh, El L; Mezrhab, A; Naji, Hassane; Lemonnier, D

Computation of Surface Radiation and Natural Convection in a Ħeated Ħorticultural Greenhouse?, Applied Energy (AE), vol. 87, No. 3,2010, pp: 894-900, doi: 10.1016/j.apenergy.2009.05.017.

Dans: 2010, (ACL).

2010Article de journal ER3

Auteurs : AMINALLAH, L; MESMACQUE, G; SERIER, B; Amrouche, Abdelwaheb; BENSEDDIQ, N

J integral computation for cracks in polypropylene pipes under internal pressure. Key Engineering Materials 417-418, pp. 453-456. 2010

Dans: 2010, (ACL).

2010Article de journal ER3


Ŧhree finite element analysis of semi-elliptical crack in high densitypoly-ethylene pipe subjected to internal pressure. Materials anḌesign 31 (6), pp. 3038-3043. 2010.

Dans: 2010, (ACL).

2010Article de journal ER3


Effect of clamping force on fretting fatigue behaviour of boltedassemblies: Case of couple steel-aluminium. Materials Science andEngineering A 527 (23), pp. 6413-6421. 2010.

Dans: 2010, (ACL).

2010Article de journal ER4

Auteurs : Pohu-Lopareva, Alena; Roussel, Hélène; Waterlot, Christophe; Garçon, Guillaume; Bidar, Géraldine; Pruvot, Christelle; Baize, Denis; Shirali, A; Douay, Francis

Asymétrie fluctuante des feuilles d’Alnus glutinosa: Indicateur de stress dans le cadre d’une phytostabilisation aidée sur des sols fortement pollués par des éléments traces métalliques

Dans: Bulletin Bodenkundliche Gesellschaft der Schweiz, vol. 30, p. 51-56, 2010.

2010Article de journal ER3

Auteurs : Cadenas-Herrera, P; Amrouche, Abdelwaheb; Mesmacque, G; Jozwiak, K; Puchi-cabrera,; Eli, S

Influence of residual fatigue damage on the fracture toughness parametersof an AA6082-Ŧ6 aluminum alloy. International Journal of Fatigueand Fractures of Engineering Materials and Structures. 33 (1), pp.54-65. 2010.

Dans: 2010, (ACL).

2010Ouvrage ER2

Auteurs : Thiery, Vincent

Metamorphismes et deformations des series cristallophylliennes du Chavanon, de la Sioule et d Ussel (Massif Central francais). Điscussion du modele de nappes du Massif Central. PhḊ. Đissertation, Universite de Franche-Comte [in French]

Besançon, France, 2010.

2010Article de journal ER3

Auteurs : Djelal-Dantec, Chafika; Vanhove, Yannick; CHAMBELLAN, D; BRISSET, P

Influence of the thickness of demoulding oils on the aesthetic qualityof facings, Materials and Structures, Vol. 43, N°5, June 2010, p.687-698

Dans: 2010, (ACL).

2010Ouvrage ER2

Auteurs : Thiery, Vincent; Rolin, P; Barrau, F; Catimel, F; Choulet, F; Eglinger, A; Moreau, E; Belle, P; Boucly, J; Juppe, E; Lafay, R; Ravier, M; Reile, B

Carte geologique de la France, feuille Ussel. Notice explicative par Ŧhiery, V., Rolin, P. et Cocherie, A., 169p


2010Article de journal ER5

Auteurs : ING, R K; ETAIX, N; Leblanc, Alexandre; Fink, M

Measurement of thickness or plate velocity using ambient vibrations,J. Acoust. Soc. Am., 127(6), 252-257 (2010)

Dans: 2010, (ACL).

2010Article de journal ER1

Auteurs : Belabbes, A; Zaoui, Ali; Ferhat, M

Magnetism and clustering in Cr-doped InN, Applied Physics Letters97, 242509 (2010).

Dans: 2010, (ACL).

2010Article de journal ER1

Auteurs : Belabbes, A; Zaoui, Ali; Ferhat, M

Strong phonon anomalies and Fermi surface nesting of simple cubicPolonium, Solid State Communications 150, 2337-2340 (2010).

Dans: 2010, (ACL).

2010Article de journal ER2

Auteurs : Tran, T; Comas-Cardona, S; Abriak, Nor-Edine; Binetruy, C

Unified microporomechanical approach for mechanical behavior andpermeability of misaligned unidirectional fiber reinforcement^a€?Composites Science and Ŧechnology, Volume 70, Issue 9, 15 September2010, Pages 1410-1418

Dans: 2010, (ACL).

2010Article de journal ER4

Auteurs : Grumiaux, Fabien; Demuynck, Sylvain; Schikorski, David; Lemière, Sébastien; Leprêtre, Alain

Assessing the effects of FBC ash treatments of metal-contaminated soils using life history traits and metal bioaccumulation analysis of the earthworm Eisenia andrei

Dans: Chemosphere, vol. 79, p. 156-161, 2010, (ACL).


2010Article de journal ER3

Auteurs : Kesteloot, Stéphan; Djelal-Dantec, Chafika; BENSLIMANE, I; KHOUFACHE, N

Stengthening of masonry arches using carbon plates, Constructionand Building Materials

Dans: 2010, (ACL).

2010Article de journal ER5

Auteurs : Leblanc, Alexandre; ING, R K; Lavie, Antoine

A wave superposition method based on monopole sources with uniquesolution for all wave numbers, Acta Acustica united with Acustica,96, 125-130 (2010).

Dans: 2010, (ACL).

2010Conférence ER4

Auteurs : Hedde, Mickaël; Bispo, Antonio; Cluzeau, Daniel; Cortet, Jérôme; Douay, Francis; Galsomies, Laurence; Grand, Cécile; Houot, Sabine; Leyval, Corinne; Pauget, Benjamin; Ruiz-Camacho, Nuria; Ulrich, Erwin; Vandenbulcke, Franck; de-Vaufleury, Annette; Villenave, Cécile; Pérès, Guénola

Recherche d’outils de surveillance, de caractérisation et d’évaluation des risques des sols

Programme ADEME - Bioindicateur II : bio-indicateurs basés sur la faune du sol. Colloque de la Société Française d’Ecotoxicologie Fondamentale et Appliquée, 2010, (ACTN).

2010Article de journal ER1

Auteurs : Berghout, A; Tunega, D; Zaoui, Ali

DFT study of the hydration steps of Na+/Mg2+/Ca2+/Sr2+/Ba2+-montmorillonitesclays, Clays and Clay Minerals 58,p174-187 (2010).

Dans: 2010, (ACL).

2010Article de journal ER2

Auteurs : WALIGORA, J; Bulteel, David; DEGRUGILLIERS, P; Damidot, Denis; POTDEVIN, J; MEASSON, M

Chemical and mineralogical characterizations of LD converter steelslags: A multi-analytical techniques approach, Materials Characterization,Vol 61, pp 39-48, 2010

Dans: 2010, (ACL).

2010Article de journal ER4

Auteurs : Homa, Joanna; Klimek, Malgorzata; Kruk, Jerzy; Cocquerelle, Claude; Vandenbulcke, Franck; Plytycz, Barbara

Metal-specific effects on metallothionein gene induction and riboflavin content in coelomocytes of Allolobophora chlorotica

Dans: Ecotoxicology and Environmental Safety, vol. 73, no. 8, p. 1937-1943, 2010, (ACL).


2010Article de journal ER1

Auteurs : Boukra, A; Zaoui, Ali; Ferhat, M

Magnetic trends in GaxMn1-xN, AlxMn1-xN and InxMn1-xN ternary systems:A first-principles study, Journal of Applied Physics108, 123904-123911(2010).

Dans: 2010, (ACL).

2010Article de journal ER5

Auteurs : Mezrhab, A; Moussaoui, M A; Jami, M; Naji, Hassane; Bouzidi, M

Đouble MRT thermal lattice Boltzmann method for simulating convectiveflows^a€?, Physics letters A (PLA), vol. 374, No. 34, pp: 3499-3507,2010, doi: 10.1016/j.physleta.2010.06.05

Dans: 2010, (ACL).

2010Article de journal ER2

Auteurs : ZDIRI, M; Abriak, Nor-Edine; NEJI, J; OUZDOU, BEN M

Modelling of the stresses and strains distribution in an RCC pavementusing the computer code ,Abaqus, Electronic Journal of StructuralEngineering (eJSE), pp 37-44, 2010 -1 : Ecole des Mines de Đouai,Đepartement GCE - 2 : Polytechnic School of Ŧu

Dans: 2010, (ACL).

2010Article de journal ER2

Auteurs : ZDIRI, M; Abriak, Nor-Edine; OUZDOU, BEN M; LOULIZI, A; NEJI, J

Study of the Anisotropy of the Roller Compacted Concrete (RCC) forPavement, Korea Concrete Institute, Vol 4, N°1, pp 45-49, 2010 -1: Ecole des Mines de Đouai, Đépartement GCE - 2 : Civil EngineeringLaboratory, National Engineering School of Ŧ

Dans: 2010, (ACL).

2010Article de journal ER5

Auteurs : Moussaoui, M A; Jami, M; Mezrhab, A; Naji, Hassane

Multi-relaxation-time lattice Boltzmann computation of channel flowpast a square cylinder with upstream control bi-partition^a€?, Int.J. for Numerical Methods in Fluids, vol. 64, N° 6, pp: 591-608 2010,doi: 10.1002/fld.215

Dans: 2010, (ACL).

2529 Entrées « 44 de 51 »