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Professeur des Universités LGCgE - Faculté des Sciences Appliquées de Béthune, Université d'Artois
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2024Journal Article ER5

Auteurs : Fakhoury, Joelle Al; Sassine, Emilio; Cherif, Yassine; Dgheim, Joseph; Antczak, Emmanuel; Chartier, Thierry

Thermal performance of double walls with polystyrene beads insufflation

In: Journal of Thermal Science and Engineering Applications, pp. 1-34, 2024, (ACL).


2024Journal Article ER5

Auteurs : Fakhoury, Joelle Al; Sassine, Emilio; Cherif, Yassine; Dgheim, Joseph; Antczak, Emmanuel

Numerical and experimental analysis of building walls thermal performance

In: Journal of Building Physics, vol. 48, no. 1, pp. 5-30, 2024, (ACL).


2023Journal Article ER5

Auteurs : Braish, Tamara; Tinel, Liselotte; Depelchin, Laurence; Gaudion, Vincent; Andres, Yves; Caudron, Cécile; Antczak, Emmanuel; Brachelet, Franck; Locoge, Nadine

Evaluation of the seasonal variation of VOC surface emissions and indoor air concentrations in a public building with bio-based insulation

In: Building and Environment, pp. 110312, 2023, (ACL).


2022Journal Article ER5

Auteurs : Al-Fakhoury, Joelle; Sassine, Emilio; Cherif, Yassine; Antczak, Emmanuel; Dgheim, Joseph; Chartier, Thierry

Analysis of heat transfer phenomena inside concrete hollow blocks

In: Journal of Building Material Science, vol. 4, no. 1, 2022, ISSN: 2630-5216, (ACL).

Abstract | Links

2022Journal Article ER5

Auteurs : Pestre, Tristan; Antczak, Emmanuel; Brachelet, Franck; Pallix, Didier

Multiphysical Characteristics of Limestones for Energy-Efficient and Sustainable Buildings Components

In: Journal of Materials in Civil Engineering, vol. 34, 2022, (ACL).


2022Journal Article ER5

Auteurs : Sassine, Emilio; Cherif, Yassine; Antczak, Emmanuel; Dgheim, Joseph

An efficient and simple method for investigating dynamic heat transfer in multilayered building components

In: International Journal of Masonry Research and Innovation, vol. 7, no. 3, pp. 281, 2022, (ACL).


2022Journal Article ER5

Auteurs : Ayoubi, Aisha; Sassine, Emilio; Dgheim, Joseph; Fakhoury, Joelle Al; Cherif, Yassine; Antczak, Emmanuel

Thermal Analysis of Concrete Mixtures with Recycled EPS Aggregates

In: Journal of Building Material Science, vol. 4, no. 2, 2022, (ACL).


2022Journal Article ER5

Auteurs : Sassine, Emilio; Dgheim, Joseph; Cherif, Yassine; Antczak, Emmanuel

Low-energy building envelope design in Lebanese climate context : the case study of traditional Lebanese detached house

In: Energy efficiency, vol. 15, no. 8, pp. 56, 2022, (ACL).


2021Journal Article ER5

Auteurs : Asli, Mounir; Sassine, Emilio; Brachelet, Franck; Antczak, Emmanuel

Hygrothermal behavior of wood fiber insulation, numerical and experimental approach

In: Heat and Mass Transfer, 2021, (ACL).


2021Journal Article ER5

Auteurs : Asli, Mounir; Brachelet, Franck; Sassine, E; Antczak, Emmanuel

Thermal and hygroscopic study of hemp concrete in real ambient conditions

In: Journal of Building Engineering, pp. 102612, 2021, (ACL).


2021Journal Article ER5

Auteurs : Sassine, Emilio; Kinab, Elias; Cherif, Yassine; Antczak, Emmanuel; Nasrallah, Michel

Thermal performance of lightweight concrete applications in building envelopes in Lebanon

In: Building Simulation, vol. 14, no. 5, pp. 1359–1375, 2021.


2021Journal Article ER5

Auteurs : Sassine, Emilio; Cherif, Yassine; Antczak, Emmanuel; Dgheim, Joseph

Thermal characterization of building walls under random boundary conditions

In: J. Thermal Sci. Eng. Appl., 2021, (ACL).


2021Journal Article ER5

Auteurs : Al-Fakhoury, Joelle; Sassine, Emilio; Cherif, Yassine; Dgheim, Joseph; Antczak, Emmanuel

Experimental feasibility for the incorporation of solid waste aggregates in masonry hollow blocks

In: European Journal of Environmental and Civil Engineering, pp. 1-15, 2021.


2021Journal Article ER5

Auteurs : Ada, A. M. Omeme; Le, A. Tran; Toifane, Hachmi; Tittelein, Pierre; Zalewski, Laurent; Antczak, Emmanuel; Douzane, Omar; Langlet, T.

Hygrothermal performance of hemp lime concrete embedded with phase change materials for buildings

In: Journal of Physics: Conference Series, vol. 2069, no. 1, pp. 012005, 2021, (ACL).


2020Proceedings Article ER5

Auteurs : Colli, Carolina; Bataille, Alain; Antczak, Emmanuel

Investigating Eco-efficiency Procedure to Compare Insulating Alternatives of Single-Family House Refurbishment

In: 2020.

2020Journal Article ER5

Auteurs : Sassine, Emilio; Cherif, Yassine; Dgheim, Joseph; Antczak, Emmanuel

Experimental and numerical thermal assessment of EPS concrete hollow blocks in Lebanon

In: Journal of Materials in Civil Engineering, 2020.

2020Journal Article ER5

Auteurs : Sassine, Emilio; Cherif, Yassine; Dgheim, Joseph; Antczak, Emmanuel

Investigation of the mechanical and thermal performances of concrete hollow blocks

In: SN Applied Sciences, 2020, (ACL).


2020Journal Article ER5

Auteurs : Sassine, Emilio; Cherif, Yassine; Antczak, Emmanuel; Dgheim, Joseph

Méthodes expérimentales et numériques appliquées à la caractérisation thermophysique d'un mur en briques anciennes en conditions instationnaires

In: Entropie, vol. 1, no. Numéro 2</br>, 2020, ISSN: 2634-1476, (ACL).


2020Journal Article ER5

Auteurs : Sassine, Emilio; Cherif, Yassine; Dgheim, Joseph; Antczak, Emmanuel

Experimental and Numerical Thermal Assessment of Lebanese Traditional Hollow Blocks

In: International Journal of Thermophysics, 2020.


2020Journal Article ER5

Auteurs : Colli, Carolina; Bataille, Alain; Antczak, Emmanuel

Investigating eco-efficiency procedure to compare refurbishment scenarios with different insulating materials

In: Procedia CIRP, vol. 90, pp. 322-327, 2020, ISSN: 2212-8271, (ACL).

Abstract | Links

2019Journal Article ER5

Auteurs : Sassine, Emilio; Cherif, Yassine; Antczak, Emmanuel

Parametric identification of thermophysical properties in masonry walls of buildings

In: Journal of Building Engineering, vol. 25, pp. 100801, 2019, ISSN: 2352-7102, (ACL).

Abstract | Links

2019Conference ER5

Auteurs : Colli, Carolina; Bataille, Alain; Antczak, Emmanuel

Rebond effects on life cycle assessment of a house refurbishment

Lille, France, Lille, 2019.

2019Conference ER5

Auteurs : Sassine, Emilio; Cherif, Yassine; Antczak, Emmanuel

Identification paramétrique des propriétés thermophysiques d’un mur en brique ancienne : Approches expérimentale et numérique


2019Journal Article ER5

Auteurs : Asli, Mounir; Brachelet, Franck; Chauchois, Alexis; Antczak, Emmanuel; Defer, Didier

Numerical and experimental investigation of heat and mass transfer within bio-based material

In: Thermal science, 2019, (ACL).


2019Conference ER5

Auteurs : Colli, Carolina; Bataille, Alain; Antczak, Emmanuel

Whole-Life Costing of a French Single-Family House Refurbishment: the “Bat-Eco2” case study

Sustainable Building Environment, Graz, Austria, 2019, ISSN: 17551307.


2018Journal Article ER5

Auteurs : Colli, Carolina; Bataille, Alain; Antczak, Emmanuel; Buyle-Bodin, François

Life Cycle Assessment of a French Single-Family House Refurbishment: The “Bat-Eco2” Case Study

In: Procedia CIRP 25th CIRP Life Cycle Engineering (LCE) Conference Copenhagen, Denmark, vol. 69, pp. 160 - 165, 2018, ISSN: 2212-8271, (ACTI).

Abstract | Links

2018Conference ER5

Auteurs : Antczak, Emmanuel; Asli, Mounir; Brachelet, Franck; Brue, Flore; Defer, Didier

Etude du comportement hygrothermique d’anas de lin utilisés comme isolant en vrac de combles perdus

Conférence IBPSA France 2018, Bordeaux 2018, (ACTN).

2018Conference ER5

Auteurs : Brachelet, Franck; Lapeyronnie, Damien; Antczak, Emmanuel; Pallix, Didier

Etude du comportement hygrothermique d'un habitat neuf construit en pierre naturelle

Journées nationales de maçonnerie, Iffstar Marne la Vallee 2018, (ACTN).

2018Conference ER5

Auteurs : Colli, Carolina; Bataille, Alain; Antczak, Emmanuel; Buyle-Bodin, François

Life Cycle Assessment of a French Single-Family House Refurbishment: The "bat-Eco2" Case Study

vol. 69, 2018, (cited By 2).


2017Conference ER5

Auteurs : Vogt-Wu, Tingting; Antczak, Emmanuel; Brachelet, Franck; Defer, Didier

A simple inverse method for monitoring the thermal characteristics of the limestone in an individual house

International COnference on Materials ans Energy (ICOME 2017), Tianjin China 2017, (ACTI).

2017Journal Article ER5

Auteurs : Sassine, Emilio; Younsi, Zohir; Cherif, Yassine; Antczak, Emmanuel

Frequency domain regression method to predict thermal behavior of brick wall of existing buildings

In: Applied Thermal Engineering, vol. 114, pp. 24 - 35, 2017, ISSN: 1359-4311, (ACL).


2017Journal Article ER5

Auteurs : Derbal, Radhouan; Defer, Didier; Antczak, Emmanuel; Brachelet, Franck

Moisture content estimation based on thermal analysis method applied to sand

In: JP Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer, vol. 14 issue 2, pp. 247-275, 2017, (ACL).

2017Conference ER5

Auteurs : Antczak, Emmanuel; Asli, Mounir; Brachelet, Franck; Brue, Flore; Defer, Didier; Lucas, Alain

Monitoring and thermal characterization of flax shives for building thermal insulation

2nd International Conference on Bio-based Building Materials 2017, Clermont - Ferrand 2017, (ACTI).

2017Conference ER5

Auteurs : Brachelet, Franck; Asli, Mounir; Antczak, Emmanuel; Brue, Flore; Defer, Didier; Lucas, Alain

Hygrothermal behavior of flax shives used as insulation material in an attic of a traditional house

International COnference on Materials ans Energy (ICOME 2017), Tianjin China 2017, (ACTI).

2017Journal Article ER5

Auteurs : Sassine, Emilio; Younsi, Zohir; Cherif, Yassine; Antczak, Emmanuel

Thermal performance evaluation of a massive brick wall under real weather conditions via the Conduction Transfer function method

In: Case Studies in Construction Materials, vol. 7, no. Supplement C, pp. 56 - 65, 2017, ISSN: 2214-5095, (ACL).


2017Conference ER5

Auteurs : Asli, Mounir; Antczak, Emmanuel; Brachelet, Franck; Defer, Didier; Chauchois, Alexis

Hygrothermal behaviour of a hemp concrete block, experimental and numerical results

2nd International Conference on Bio-based Building Materials, Clermont-Ferrand 2017 2017, (ACTI).

2017Journal Article ER5

Auteurs : Sassine, Emilio; Younsi, Zohir; Cherif, Yassine; Chauchois, Alexis; Antczak, Emmanuel

Experimental determination of thermal properties of brick wall for existing construction in the north of France

In: Journal of Building Engineering, vol. 14, no. Supplement C, pp. 15 - 23, 2017, ISSN: 2352-7102, (ACL).


2017Conference ER5

Auteurs : Antczak, Emmanuel; Asli, Mounir; Brachelet, Franck; Brue, Flore; Defer, Didier

Etude du comportement hygrothermique d’anas de lin utilisés comme isolant en vrac de combles perdus

Conférence Francophone de l'International Building Performance Simulation Association, vol. 99, 2017, ISSN: 0008-8846, (AFF).

Abstract | Links

2016Journal Article ER5

Auteurs : El-Fgaier, Fayçal; Lafhaj, Zoubeir; Antczak, Emmanuel; Chapiseau, Christophe

Dynamic thermal performance of three types of unfired earth bricks

In: Applied Thermal Engineering, vol. 93, pp. 377 - 383, 2016, ISSN: 1359-4311, (ACL).


2016Journal Article ER5

Auteurs : El-Fgaier, Fayçal; Lafhaj, Zoubeir; Chapiseau, Christophe; Antczak, Emmanuel

Effect of sorption capacity on thermo-mechanical properties of unfired clay bricks

In: Journal of Building Engineering, pp. -, 2016, ISSN: 2352-7102, (ACL).


2016Conference ER5

Auteurs : Derbal, Radhouan; Lucas, Alain; Brachelet, Franck; Defer, Didier; Antczak, Emmanuel

Réhafutur : In situ instrumentation for a comprehensive building analysis

International Conference on Materials and Energy 2016, La Rochelle France 2016, (ACTI).

2016Journal Article ER5

Auteurs : Chauchois, Alexis; Defer, Didier; Choi, H; Antczak, Emmanuel; Brachelet, Franck; Asli, Mounir

Development of a Cylindrical Probe Designed for Thermal Characterization of Granular Materials

In: Transport in Porous Media, vol. 112, no. 3, pp. 549–561, 2016, ISSN: 1573-1634, (ACL).

Abstract | Links

2016Conference ER5

Auteurs : Asli, Mounir; Brachelet, Franck; Derbal, Radhouan; Chauchois, Alexis; Antczak, Emmanuel; Defer, Didier

Numerical and experimental investigation of simultaneous heat and mass transfer within bio-based material

ECOS 2016, Portorož Slovenia 2016, (ACTI).

2015Conference ER5

Auteurs : Carpentier, Olivier; Chartier, Thierry; Antczak, Emmanuel; DESCAMPS, Thierry; PARYS, Laurent VAN

Active and quantitative infrared thermography using frequential analysis applied to the monitoring of historic timber structures

2015, (ACTI).

2015Conference ER5

Auteurs : Carpentier, Olivier; Chartier, Thierry; Antczak, Emmanuel; Descamps, Thierry; Van-Parys, Laurent

Structural analysis of porous media by means of thermal methods: theory and monitoring equipment

3rd International Conference on Structural Health Assessment ot Timber Structures, Wroclaw, Poland, September 9-11, 2015, (ACTI).

2015Conference ER5

Auteurs : DESCAMPS, Thierry; AVEZ, Coralie; Carpentier, Olivier; Antczak, Emmanuel; JEONG, Gi Young

Historic timber roofs modelling: prosthesis and resin repairs

3rd International Conference on Structural Health Assessment ot Timber Structures, Wroclaw, Poland, September 9-11, 2015, 2015, (ACTI).

2015Journal Article ER5

Auteurs : El-Fgaier, Fayçal; Lafhaj, Zoubeir; Brachelet, Franck; Antczak, Emmanuel; Chapiseau, Christophe

Thermal performance of unfired clay bricks used in construction in the north of France: Case study

In: Case Studies in Construction Materials, vol. 3, pp. 102 - 111, 2015, ISSN: 2214-5095, (ACL).


2015Conference ER5

Auteurs : Asli, Mounir; Brachelet, Franck; Antczak, Emmanuel; Defer, Didier; Chauchois, Alexis

Coupled heat and mass transfer model to simulate hygrothermal behaviour of bio-based materials

Third International Conference on Advances in Applied Science and Environmental Technology - ASET 2015, Bangkok, Thailand, Lebua Tower, 2015, (ACTI).

2015Journal Article ER5

Auteurs : Chauchois, Alexis; Brachelet, Franck; Defer, Didier; Antczak, Emmanuel; Choi, Hangseok

Evaluation of gluing of CFRP onto concrete structures by infrared thermography coupled with thermal impedance

In: Composites Part B: Engineering, vol. 69, pp. 350–358, 2015, (ACL).

2015Conference ER5

Auteurs : Derbal, Radhouan; Defer, Didier; Antczak, Emmanuel; Chauchois, Alexis; Brachelet, Franck

Applied Inverse Heat Transfer for Moisture Content Estimation