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2021Article de journal ER5

Auteurs : Gloriant, François; Joulin, Annabelle; Tittelein, Pierre; Lassue, Stéphane

Using heat flux sensors for a contribution to experimental analysis of heat transfers on a triple-glazed supply-air window

Dans: Energy, vol. 215, p. 119154, 2021, ISSN: 0360-5442, (ACL).

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2016Proceedings Article ER5

Auteurs : Khadra, Mariam; Joulin, Annabelle; Tittelein, Pierre; Lassue, Stéphane

Modélisation d’un canal rectangulaire ventilé ouvert soumis à des sollicitations thermiques asymétriques et Analyse des échanges thermiques

Dans: actes du Congrès Français de Thermique 2016, Toulouse, 2016, (ACTN).

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2015Conférence ER5

Auteurs : Bédécarrats, Jean-Pierre; David, Damien; Defer, Didier; Dumas, Jean-Pierre; Franquet, Erwin; Gibout, Stéphane; Haillot, Didier; Johannes, Kévyn; Joulin, Annabelle; Kuznik, Frédéric; Lassue, Stéphane; Maréchal, William; Naji, Hassane; Tittelein, Pierre; Zalewski, Laurent

Caractérisation des matériaux à changement de phase pour la simulation thermique des bâtiments

actes du Congrès Français de Thermique 2015, La Rochelle, 2015, (ACTN).

2015Conférence ER5

Auteurs : Bédécarrats, Jean-Pierre; David, Damien; Defer, Didier; Dumas, Jean-Pierre; Franquet, Erwin; Gibout, Stéphane; Haillot, Didier; Johannes, Kevyn; Joulin, Annabelle; Kuznik, Frédéric; Lassue, Stéphane; Maréchal, William; Naji, Hassane; Tittelein, Pierre; Zalewski, Laurent

Phase change materials characterisation and applications to the thermal simulation of buildings

Proceedings of ECOS 2015, Pau, 2015, (ACTI).


2015Conférence ER5

Auteurs : Gloriant, Francois; Joulin, Annabelle; Tittelein, Pierre; Lassue, Stéphane

L'étude des performances d'une fenêtre ventilée pour la récupération de chaleur par l'air neuf de ventilation

Actes du CIFQ 2015, Sherbrook, 2015, (ACTI).


2015Conférence ER5

Auteurs : Gloriant, Francois; Tittelein, Pierre; Joulin, Annabelle; Lassue, Stéphane

Etude expérimentale d'une fenêtre parietodynamique de type Paziaud

actes du Congrès Français de Thermique 2015, La Rochelle, 2015, (ACTN).

2015Conférence ER5

Auteurs : Gloriant, Francois; Tittelein, Pierre; Joulin, Annabelle; Lassue, Stéphane

Study Of Ŧhe Performances Of A Supply-Air Window For Air Renewal Pre-Ħeating

Proceedings of IBPC 2015, Torino (Italy), 2015, (ACTI).


2015Article de journal ER5

Auteurs : Gloriant, François; Tittelein, Pierre; Joulin, Annabelle; Lassue, Stéphane

Modeling a triple-glazed supply-air window

Dans: Building and Environment, vol. 84, p. 1–9, 2015, (ACL).

2015Article de journal ER5

Auteurs : Gloriant, François; Tittelein, Pierre; Joulin, Annabelle; Lassue, Stéphane

Study of the Performances of A Supply-Air Window for Air Renewal Pre-Heating

Dans: Energy Procedia, vol. 78, p. 525–530, 2015, ISSN: 1876-6102, (ACL).

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2014Article de journal ER5

Auteurs : Dutil, Yvan; Rousse, Daniel; Lassue, Stéphane; Zalewski, Laurent; Joulin, Annabelle; Virgone, Joseph; Kuznik, Frédéric; Johannes, Kevyn; Dumas, Jean-Pierre; Bédécarrats, Jean-Pierre; others,

Modeling phase change materials behavior in building applications: Comments on material characterization and model validation

Dans: Renewable Energy, vol. 61, p. 132–135, 2014, (ACL).

2014Conférence ER5

Auteurs : Gloriant, Francois; Tittelein, Pierre; Joulin, Annabelle; Lassue, Stéphane

Convection forcée laminaire de l'air entre deux parois proches soumises à des conditions de Fourier

actes du Congrès Français de Thermique 2014, Lyon, 2014, (ACTN).


2014Article de journal ER5

Auteurs : Joulin, Annabelle; Zalewski, Laurent; Lassue, Stéphane; Naji, Hassane

Experimental investigation of thermal characteristics of a mortar with or without a micro-encapsulated phase change material

Dans: Applied Thermal Engineering, vol. 66, no. 1–2, p. 171 - 180, 2014, ISSN: 1359-4311, (ACL).


2013Article de journal ER5

Auteurs : Desrayaud, G; Chenier, E; Joulin, Annabelle; Bastide, A; Brangeon, B; Caltagirone, J P; Cherif, Yassine; Eymard, R; Garnier, C; Giroux-Julien, S; Harnane, Y; Joubert, P; Laaroussi, N; Lassue, Stéphane; Quere, Le P; Li, R; Saury, D; Sergent, A; Xin, S; Zoubir, A

Benchmark solutions for natural convection flows in vertical channels submitted to different open boundary conditions

Dans: International Journal of Thermal Sciences, vol. 72, p. 18 - 33, 2013, ISSN: 1290-0729, (ACL).


2013Conférence ER5

Auteurs : Gloriant, Francois; Joulin, Annabelle; Tittelein, Pierre; Lassue, Stéphane

Échanges convectifs entre deux parois planes, verticales, soumises à des conditions de type Fourier

actes du Congrès Français de Thermique 2013, Gérarmer (France), 2013, (ACTN).


2013Conférence ER5

Auteurs : Gloriant, Francois; Tittelein, Pierre; Joulin, Annabelle; Lassue, Stéphane

Modèlisation d'une fenêtre parieto-dynamique dans la simulation thermique d'un bâtiment.

CIFQ 2013, Reims (France), 2013, (ACTI).


2013Conférence ER5

Auteurs : Gloriant, Francois; Tittelein, Pierre; Joulin, Annabelle; Lassue, Stéphane

Modelling supply-air window in a building simulation code

Building Simulation 2013, Chambéry (France), 2013, (ACTI).


2013Conférence ER5

Auteurs : Gloriant, Francois; Tittelein, Pierre; Joulin, Annabelle; Lassue, Stéphane

Supply-Air Window Model adapted to Building Energy Performance Simulation

CLIMA 2013; 11th REHVA World Congress, Prague (Czech Republic), 2013, (ACTI).


2012Article de journal ER5

Auteurs : Dutil, Y; Rousse, D; Lassue, Stéphane; Zalewski, Laurent; Joulin, Annabelle; Virgone, J; Kuznik, F; JohannesK.,; Dumas, J P; Bedecarrats, J P; Castell, L F A

Modeling phase change materials behavior in building applications: comments on material characterization and model validation, RenewableEnergy, 2012.

Dans: 2012, (ACL).

2012Article de journal ER5

Auteurs : Joulin, Annabelle; Younsi, Zohir; Lassue, Stéphane; Zalewski, Laurent

Fixed grid numerical simulation of a phase change material in a rectangularenclosure heated from one side, in Navier-Stokes equations, Properties,description and applications physics research and technology,Nova Publisher Editor, ISBN 978,

Dans: 2012, (ACL).

2012Article de journal ER5

Auteurs : Tilioua, A; Libessart, Laurent; Joulin, Annabelle; Lassue, Stéphane

Etude des proprietes thermo-physiques des isolants fibreux textile, Annales du BTP, fevrier 2012

Dans: 2012, (ACL).

2012Article de journal ER5

Auteurs : Zalewski, Laurent; Joulin, Annabelle; Lassue, Stéphane; Dutil, Y; Rousse, D

Experimental study of small-scaled solar wall integrating phase changematerial, Solar Energy 86, January 2012, Pages 208-219

Dans: 2012, (ACL).

2011Article de journal ER5

Auteurs : Joulin, Annabelle; Younsi, Zohir; Zalewski, Laurent; Lassue, Stéphane; Rousse, D; Cavrot, J-P

Experimental and numerical investigation of phase change materials : thermal energy storage and release, Applied Energy, Volume 88, Issue 7, July 2011, Pages 2454-2462

Dans: 2011, (ACL).

2011Article de journal ER5

Auteurs : Younsi, Zohir; Lassue, Stéphane; Zalewski, Laurent; Joulin, Annabelle

Experimental and numerical investigation of phase change materials: thermal energy storage and release, Applied Energy 88 (2011)2454-2462.

Dans: 2011, (ACL).

2010Article de journal ER5

Auteurs : Younsi, Zohir; Lassue, Stéphane; Zalewski, Laurent; Joulin, Annabelle

A novel technique for the experimental thermophysical characterization of phase change materials, International Journal of Ŧhermophysics, Springer Science+Business Media, LLC 2010.

Dans: 2010, (ACL).

2010Conférence ER5

Auteurs : Zalewski, Laurent; Joulin, Annabelle; Lassue, Stéphane; Chartier, Thierry

Caracterisation thermophysique du comportement de materiaux a changementde phase a l echelle macro

Societe Francaise Therm., 2010, (ACTN).

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2009Article de journal ER5

Auteurs : Cherif, Yassine; Joulin, Annabelle; Zalewski, Laurent; Lassue, Stéphane

Experimental and numerical simulation of forced convection and radiationheat fluxes in a horizontal channel , International Journal of ŦhermalSciences, 48, 9,1696-1706, 2009.

Dans: 2009, (ACL).

2009Article de journal ER5

Auteurs : Joulin, Annabelle; Younsi, Zohir; Zalewski, Laurent; Rousse, D; Lassue, Stéphane

A numerical study of the melting of phase change material heatedfrom a vertical wall of a rectangular enclosure, Int. Journal ofComputational Fluid Đynamics, Vol. 23, No. 7, pp553a“566, 200

Dans: 2009, (ACL).

2009Conférence ER5

Auteurs : Younsi, Zohir; Zalewski, Laurent; Joulin, Annabelle; Lassue, Stéphane; Rousse, Daniel

Phase Change Materials: A Numerical Method for the Behaviour Predictions

ICTEA 2009, January 12-14, 2009, Abu Dhabi, United Arab Emirates., 2009, (ACTI).

2009Conférence ER5

Auteurs : Younsi, Zohir; Zalewski, Laurent; Joulin, Annabelle; Lassue, Stéphane; Rousse, Daniel

Phase Change Materials: Experimental Measurements of Thermophysical Properties

ICTEA 2009, January 12-14, 2009, Abu Dhabi, United Arab Emirates., 2009, (ACTI).

2008Conférence ER5

Auteurs : Younsi, Zohir; Lassue, Stéphane; Zalewski, Laurent; Joulin, Annabelle

Thermophysical characterization of phase change materials with heat flux sensors

5th European Thermal-Sciences Conference, Eindhoven, Netherlands, 2008., 2008, (ACTI).

2007Conférence ER5

Auteurs : Younsi, Zohir; Lassue, Stéphane; Zalewski, Laurent; Joulin, Annabelle

Thermophysical characterization of phase change materials for the storage of solar energy in building

Heat Transfer in Components and Systems for Sustainable Energy Technologies 18-20 April 2007, Chambery, France., 2007, (ACTI).