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2012Article de journal ER5

Auteurs : Breaban, Florin; Coutouly, Jean-François.; Deprez, Pascal; Vantomme, Pascal

In situ Reflectivity Measurement Applied to Metal Cutting by InfrareḶaser Beam

Dans: Lasers in Engineering, vol. 23, n° 3-4, p. .231-243, 2012, (ACL).

2012Article de journal ER5

Auteurs : Deprez, Pascal; Melian, C F; Breaban, Florin; Coutouly, J F

Glass marking with CO2 Laser : experimental study of the interactionlaser ^a€“ material, Journal of Surface Engineered Materials and AdvanceṬechnology, doi: 10.4236/jsemat Published Online January 2012 (http://wwwṠ,Vol.

Dans: 2012, (ACL).

2012Article de journal ER2

Auteurs : Debarre, Etienne; Hivart, Philippe; Baranski, Didier; Déprez, Pascal

Le prototypage rapide, une aide au diagnostic en chirurgie orthopédique et traumatologique. Méthodologie et exemples d’applications cliniques

Dans: Revue de Chirurgie Orthopédique et Traumatologique, vol. 98, no. 5, p. 519-524, 2012, ISSN: 1877-0517, (ACL).

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2012Article de journal ER2

Auteurs : Debarre, Etienne; Hivart, Philippe; Baranski, D; Déprez, Pascal

Speedy skeletal prototype production to help diagnosis in orthopaedic and trauma surgery. Methodology and examples of clinical applications

Dans: Orthopaedics & Traumatology: Surgery & Research, vol. 98, no. 5, p. 597–602, 2012.


2011Article de journal ER5

Auteurs : Melian, C; Deprez, Pascal; Breaban, Florin; Lobontiu, M

Study on influence shape of technical parameters regarding the glass laser engraving

Dans: Interenational Journal of Modern Manufacturing, vol. 2, p. 73-78, 2011, (ACL).

2010Article de journal ER2

Auteurs : Coutouly, Jean-François; Deprez, Pascal; Breaban, Florin; Longuemard, Jean-Paul

CO2 Laser biological tissue interaction with a view to ablation

Dans: .Lasers in Engineering,, vol. Vol. 19, p. 213-223, 2010, (ACL).

2009Article de journal ER2

Auteurs : Coutouly, Jean-François; Deprez, Pascal; Breaban, Florin; Longuemard, Jean-Paul

Optimisation of a paint coating ablation process by CO2 TEA laser:Ŧhermal field modelling and real-time monitoring of the process

Dans: ,Journal of Materials Processing Ŧechnology, 2009, (ACL).

2009Article de journal ER2

Auteurs : Deprez, Pascal; Hivart, Philippe; Coutouly, J F; Debarre, Etienne

Friction and wear studies using Ŧaguchi method: application to thecharacterization of carbon-silicon carbide tribological couples ofautomotive water pump seals.

Dans: Advances in Materials Science and Engineering, vol. vol. 2009,, no. article ID830476,, 2009, (ACL).