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2529 Entrées « 46 de 51 »

2009Conférence ER4

Auteurs : Waterlot, Christophe; Pruvot, Christelle; Douay, Francis

Évaluation d'une méthode de dosage du cadmium dans les solutions d’extraction de sols de potagers localisés aux alentours d’une ancienne fonderie de plomb

2ème Rencontres Nationales de la Recherche sur les Sites & Sols Pollués, ADEME. 20-21 octobre 2009, Paris, 2009, (ACTN).


2009Article de journal ER5

Auteurs : Mezrhab, Ahmed; Naji, Hassane

Coupling of lattice Boltzmann equation and finite volume method to simulate heat transfer in a square cavity

Dans: Fluid Dynamics and Materials Processing, vol. 5, no. 3, p. 283-295, 2009, (ACL).

Résumé | Liens

2009Article de journal ER2

Auteurs : Fares, H; Noumowe, A; Rémond, Sébastien

Self-consolidating concrete subjected to high temperature: Mechanicaland physicochemical properties, Cement and Concrete Research, 39/12(2009) 1230-1238

Dans: 2009, (ACL).

2009Article de journal ER5

Auteurs : Moussaoui, Mohammed Amine; Jami, Mohammed; Mezrhab, Ahmed; Naji, Hassane

Lattice Boltzmann Simulation of Convective Heat Transfer from Heated Blocks in a Horizontal Channel

Dans: Numerical Heat Transfer, Part A: Applications, vol. 56, no. 5, p. 422-443, 2009, (ACL).


2009Article de journal ER5

Auteurs : Moussaoui, Mohammed Amine; Jami, Mohamed; Mezrhab, Ahmed; Naji, Hassane; Bouzidi, Mhamed

Multiple-relaxation-time lattice Boltzmann computation of channel flow past a square cylinder with an upstream control bi-partition

Dans: International Journal for Numerical Methods in Fluids, vol. 64, no. 6, p. 591-608, 2009, (ACL).


2009Article de journal ER5

Auteurs : Moussaoui, Mohammed Amine; Jami, Mohammed; Mezrhab, Ahmed; Naji, Hassane

Convective heat transfer over two blocks arbitrary located in a 2D plane channel using a hybrid lattice Boltzmann-finite difference method

Dans: Heat and Mass Transfer, vol. 45, no. 11, p. 1373–1381, 2009, (ACL).

Résumé | Liens

2009Article de journal ER4

Auteurs : Douay, Francis; Pruvot, Christelle; Waterlot, Christophe; Fritsch, Clémentine; Fourrier, Hervé; Loriette, Alexandre; Bidar, Géraldine; Grand, Cécile; De-Vaufleury, Annette; Scheifler, Renaud

Contamination of woody habitat soils around a former lead smelter in the North of France

Dans: Science of the Total Environment, vol. 407, no. 21, p. 5564-5577, 2009, (ACL).


2009Article de journal ER2

Auteurs : Hivart, Philippe

Un attentat a Porrentruy en l'an V de la Republique ou les demeles du volontaire Kusnick avec le citoyen commissaire Roussel. Actesde la Societe Jurassienne d ™Emulation (Suisse), 157-172, (200

Dans: 2009, (ACL).

2009Article de journal ER2

Auteurs : Lors, Christine; Chehade, Hajj M; Damidot, Denis

PH variations during growth of Acidithiobacillus thiooxidans in bufferedmedia designed for an assay to evaluate concrete biodeteriorationİnternational Biodegradation and Biodeterioration, 63 : 880-883

Dans: 2009, (ACL).

2009Article de journal ER2

Auteurs : Lors, Christine; Perie, F; Grand, C; Damidot, Denis

Benefits of ecotoxicological bioassays in the evaluation of a fieldbiotreatment of PAHs polluted soils. Global NEST, 11 (3) : 251-259.(TOTAL: R&Đ) (ADEME

Dans: 2009, (ACL).

2009Article de journal ER2

Auteurs : Neuville, N; Lecolier, E; Aouad, Georges; Rivereau, A; Damidot, Denis

Effect of curing conditions on oilwell cement paste behaviour duringleaching : experimental and modelling approaches, Comptes RendusChimie, Vol 12, pp 511-520 (2009)

Dans: 2009, (ACL).

2009Article de journal ER4

Auteurs : Follain, Stéphane; Schvartz, Christian; Denoroy, Pascal; Villette, Christine; Saby, Nicolas-P-A; Arrouays, Dominique; Lemercier, Blandine; Walter, Christian

A method for assessing available phosphorus content in arable topsoils over large spatial scales

Dans: Agronomy for Sustainable Development, vol. 29, no. 2, p. 371-379, 2009, (ACL).


2009Article de journal ER5

Auteurs : Cherif, Yassine; Joulin, Annabelle; Zalewski, Laurent; Lassue, Stéphane

Experimental and numerical simulation of forced convection and radiationheat fluxes in a horizontal channel , International Journal of ŦhermalSciences, 48, 9,1696-1706, 2009.

Dans: 2009, (ACL).

2009Article de journal ER2

Auteurs : Petit, Jean-Yves; Khayat, K H; Wirquin, Eric

Coupled effect of time and temperature on variations of plastic viscosityof highly flowable mortars, Cement and Concrete Research, vol. 39,n°3, mars 2009, pp. 165-170

Dans: 2009, (ACL).

2009Article de journal ER2

Auteurs : Sioud, S; Genestie, Benoit; Jahouh, F

Gas-phase fragmentation study of biotin reagents using electrosprayionization tandem mass spectrometry on a quadrupole orthogonal time-of-flighthybrid instrument. Source: RAPID COMMUNICATIONS IN MASS SPECTROMETRYVolume: 23 Issue: 13 Pages: 1941-1

Dans: 2009, (ACL).

2009Article de journal ER3

Auteurs : Aminallah, L; Achour, T; Bouiadjra, B Bachir; Serier, B; Amrouche, Abdelwaheb; Feaugas,; Benssediq, N

Analysis of the distribution of thermal residual stresses in bonded composite repair of metallic aircraft structures. Computational Materials Science, 46 (4), pp. 1023-1027. 2009.

Dans: 2009, (ACL).

2009Article de journal ER1

Auteurs : Ali, B; Sadek, Marwan; Shahrour, Isam

Finite-Element Model for Urban Pavement Rutting: Analysis of PavementRehabilitation Methods, Journal of Ŧransportation Engineering,ASCE, Volume 135, Issue 4, pp. 235-239, 2009

Dans: 2009, (ACL).

2009Article de journal ER1

Auteurs : Ali, B; Sadek, Marwan; Shahrour, Isam

Modelisation numerique de l'ornierage : application aux voiriesurbaines JOURNAL OF TRANSPORTATION ENGINEERING-ASCE Volume: 135Issue: 4 Pages: 235-239 DOI: 10.1061/(ASCE)0733-947X(2009)135:4(235)

Dans: 2009, (ACL).

2009Article de journal ER4

Auteurs : Piou, Stéphanie; Bataillard, Philippe; Laboudigue, Agnès; Férard, Jean-François; Masfaraud, Jean-François

Changes in the geochemistry and ecotoxicity of a Zn and Cd contaminated dredged sediment over time after land disposal

Dans: Environmental Research, vol. 106, no. 9, p. 712-720, 2009, (ACL).


2009Article de journal ER3

Auteurs : Guillaume, Vega; Haddi, Abdelkader; Abdellatif, Imad

Temperature effects on wire drawing process : experimental investigation

Dans: International journal of material forming, vol. 2, no. 1, p. 229-232, 2009, ISSN: 1960-6214, (ACL).


2009Article de journal ER2

Auteurs : Thiery, Vincent

Famenno-Carboniferous (370-320 Ma) strike slip tectonics monitoredby syn-kinematic plutons in the French Variscan belt (Massif Armoricainand French Massif Central)

Dans: Bulletin de la societe geologique de France, vol. 180, no. 3, p. 231-246, 2009.


2009Article de journal ER2

Auteurs : Thiery, Vincent; Rolin, P; Marquer, D; Cocherie, A; Fanning, C-M; Rossi, P

Visean sinistral wrench faulting along the Sillon Ħouiller in the French Massif Central : Late Variscan tectonic implications

Dans: Bulletin de la societe geologique de France, vol. 180, no. 6, p. 513-528, 2009.

2009Article de journal ER5

Auteurs : Joulin, Annabelle; Younsi, Zohir; Zalewski, Laurent; Rousse, D; Lassue, Stéphane

A numerical study of the melting of phase change material heatedfrom a vertical wall of a rectangular enclosure, Int. Journal ofComputational Fluid Đynamics, Vol. 23, No. 7, pp553a“566, 200

Dans: 2009, (ACL).

2009Article de journal ER2

Auteurs : Tran, T; Binetruy, C; Comas-Cardona, S; Abriak, Nor-Edine

Microporomechanical behavior of perfectly straight unidirectionalfiber assembly: Ŧheoretical and experimental^a€?

Dans: Composites Scienceand Ŧechnology, Volume 69, Issue 2, vol. Volume 69, Issue 2, 2009, (ACL).


2009Article de journal ER1

Auteurs : Benaissa, H; Zaoui, Ali; Ferhat, M

Strong composition-dependent disorder in InAsN, Journal of Alloysand Compounds, 475, 592 ^a€“ 594 (2009

Dans: 2009, (ACL).

2009Article de journal ER4

Auteurs : Gueguen, Yannick; Romestand, Bernard; Fievet, Julie; Schmitt, Paulina; Destoumieux-Garzón, Delphine; Vandenbulcke, Franck; Bulet, Philippe; Bachère, Evelyne

Oyster hemocytes express a proline-rich peptide displaying synergistic antimicrobial activity with a defensin

Dans: Molecular Immunology, vol. 46, no. 4, p. 516-522, 2009, (ACL).


2009Article de journal ER3


Effect of fatigue damage on the dynamic tensile behavior of aluminiumalloy 6061-Ŧ6 and AISI 4140 Ŧ steel. International Journal of Fatigue.31 (11-12), pp. 1928-1937 .2009.

Dans: 2009, (ACL).

2009Article de journal ER2

Auteurs : Turki, H; Genestie, Benoit; Gharbi, El R

Gas-phase fragmentation study of a novel series of synthetic 2-oxo-2Ħ-benzopyrano[2,3-d]pyrimidinederivatives using electrospray ionization tandem mass spectroscopymeasured with a quadrupole orthogonal time-of-flight hybrid instrumentṠource: RAP

Dans: 2009, (ACL).

2009Article de journal ER1

Auteurs : BIAN, H; Shahrour, Isam

A numerical model for unsaturated soils under seismic loading application to liquefaction SOIL DYNAMICS AND EARTHQUAKE ENGINEERINGVolume: 29 Issue: 2 Pages: 237-244 DOI: 10.1016/j.soildyn.2008.01.004

Dans: 2009, (ACL).

2009Article de journal ER3

Auteurs : Véga, Guillaume; Haddi, Abdelkader; Imad, Abdellatif

Investigation of process parameters effect on the copper-wire drawing

Dans: Materials and Đesign, vol. 30, p. 3308-3312., 2009, (ACL).

2009Article de journal ER5

Auteurs : Mezrhab, A; Moussaoui, M A; Jami, M; Naji, Hassane

Convective heat transfer over two blocks arbitrary located in a 2Đplane channel using a hybrid lattice Boltzmann-Finite differencemethod^a€?, Ħeat and Mass transfer, vol. 45, No 11, pp: 1373-1381,2009, doi: 10.1007/s00231-009-0514-9

Dans: 2009, (ACL).

2009Article de journal ER1

Auteurs : Boutaiba, F; Zaoui, Ali; Ferhat, M

Fundamental and transport properties of ZnX, CdX and ĦgX (X=S, Se,Ŧe) compounds, Superlattices and Microstructures 46 (6), 823 -832 (2009).

Dans: 2009, (ACL).

2009Article de journal ER1

Auteurs : Boutaiba, F; Zaoui, Ali; Ferhat, M

Ground state analysis of XCNi3 (X=Mg, Zn, Ga) from first-principles,Physica B 406, 265-269 (2011).

Dans: 2009, (ACL).

2009Article de journal ER5

Auteurs : Mezrhab, A; Naji, Hassane

Coupling of lattice Boltzmann equation and finite volume method tosimulate heat transfer in a square cavity, Fluid Đynamics & MaterialsProcessing (FDMP), Vol. 5, N 3, pp: 283-295, 2009, doi: 10.3970/fdmp.2009.005.283.

Dans: 2009, (ACL).

2009Article de journal ER1

Auteurs : Briki, M; Abdelouhab, M; Zaoui, Ali; Ferhat, M

Relativistic effects on the structural and transport properties ofIII-V compounds: A first-principles study,Superlattices and Microstructures45,80-€“ 90 (2009

Dans: 2009, (ACL).

2009Article de journal ER2

Auteurs : Zdiri, M ;; Abriak, Nor-Edine; Ouzdou, M Ben; Loulizi, A; Neji, J

Numerical modeling of a Roller Compacted Concrete Pavement underVehicular loading., International Journal of Pavement Research anṬechnology, Vol 2, N5, pp 188-195, 2009

Dans: 2009, (ACL).

2009Article de journal ER2

Auteurs : ZDIRI, M; Abriak, Nor-Edine; NEJI, J

Modelling of the stresses and strains distribution in an RCC pavementusing the computer code Abaqus, Electronic Journal of StructuralEngineering, n°9, pp 37-44 (ecole de Mines de Đouai) (Civil E,gineeringLaboratory, National Engineering Sch

Dans: 2009, (ACL).

2009Article de journal ER2

Auteurs : ZDIRI, M; Abriak, Nor-Edine; OUZDOU, BEN M; NEJI, J

Ŧhe use of fluvial and marine sediments in the formulation of RollerCompacted Concrete for use in pavements, Environmental Ŧechnology,Vol 30, N°8, pp 809-815, juillet 2009 [Impact Factor ISI WoK JCR2009 = 0,762]

Dans: 2009, (ACL).

2009Article de journal ER5

Auteurs : Moussaoui, M A; Jami, M; Mezrhab, A; Naji, Hassane

Lattice Boltzmann simulation of convective heat transfer from heatedblocks in horizontal channel, Numerical Ħeat Ŧransfer Part A: anInt. J. of Computation and Methodology, vol. 56, N° 5, pp: 422-443,2009, doi: 10.1080/10407780903244338

Dans: 2009, (ACL).

2009Article de journal ER1

Auteurs : CHEN, S H; FU, C H; Shahrour, Isam

Finite element analysis of jointed rock masses reinforced by fully-grouted bolt and shotcrete lining, NTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF ROCK MECHANICSAND MINING SCIENCES Volume: 46 Issue: 1 Pages: 19-30 DOI: 10.1016/j.ijrmms.2008.03.002.

Dans: 2009, (ACL).

2009Article de journal ER2

Auteurs : ZDIRI, M; OUZDOU, BEN M; Abriak, Nor-Edine; NEJI, J

Prediction and Measurement of the Bending Strength of the RCC, InternationalJournal of Concrete Structures and Materials, Vol 3, N1, pp 57-61,JUIN 2009 - 1 : Ecole des Mines de Đouai, Đepartement GCE - 2 :Civil Engineering Laboratory, National

Dans: 2009, (ACL).

2009Article de journal ER5

Auteurs : Naji, Hassane; Mompean, G

Computation of the turbulent flow in a square duct using a cubiclow-Reynolds stress model, CMES: Computer Modeling in Engineering& Sciences, vol. 53, N° 2, pp: 181-206, 2009, doi: 10.3970/cmes.2009.053.18

Dans: 2009, (ACL).

2009Article de journal ER5

Auteurs : NOUR, ABDEL F; PONCET, S; Debuchy, Roger; BOIS, G

A Combined analytical, experimental and numerical investigation ofturbulent air flow behaviour in a rotor-stator cavity. Journal de Mecanique & Industries, Mecanique & Industries 10, pp. 195-201.DOI: 10.1051/meca/2009065, 2009.

Dans: 2009, (ACL).

2009Article de journal ER2

Auteurs : Zentar, Rachid; Abriak, Nor-Edine; Dubois, Vincent

Effects of salts and organic matter on Atterberg limits of dredgedmarine sediments. Applied Clay Science, Vol 42, N3-4, pp 391-397,01/2009. [Impact Factor ISI WoK JCR 2012=2,342]

Dans: 2009, (ACL).

2009Article de journal ER2

Auteurs : Zentar, Rachid; Abriak, Nor-Edine; Dubois, Vincent; MIRAOUI, M

Beneficial use of dredged sediments in public works, EnvironmentalŦechnology, Vol 30, N8, pp 841-847, juillet 2009 [Impact FactorISI WoK JCR 2012 = 1,606] / 1 : LCPC

Dans: 2009, (ACL).

2009Article de journal ER2

Auteurs : Zentar, Rachid; Abriak, Nor-Edine; Ngoc, T Tran

Caractérisation et étude de l'impact sur l'environnement de sédiments dragés dans le nord de la France/ Characterisation and impact study on the environment of sediments dredged in the north of France , Revue Paralia, Vol 2, pp 4.1-4.24, 09/02/

Dans: 2009.

2009Article de journal ER2

Auteurs : Petit, Jean-Yves; Khayat, K H; Wirquin, Eric

Coupled effect of time and temperature on variations of plastic viscosityof highly flowable mortars, Cement and Concrete Research, vol. 39,n°3, mars 2009, pp. 165-170

Dans: 2009, (ACL).

2009Article de journal ER2

Auteurs : Zri, A; Abriak, Nor-Edine; Zentar, Rachid

Etude comparative du comportement physico-mécanique d'un sédiment pollué et non pollué, Đéchet Sciences et Ŧechniques, N°53, pp 13-19, 200

Dans: 2009.

2009Article de journal ER5

Auteurs : Tittelein, Pierre; Achard, G; Wurtz, E

Modelling earth-to-air heat exchanger behaviour with the convolutiveresponse factors method Applied Energy, vol. 86, no. 9, p. 1683-1691,sept. 2009

Dans: 2009, (ACL).

2009Article de journal ER1

Auteurs : Chicot, D; ROUDET, F; LEPINGLE, V; Louis, Ghislain

Strian gradient plasticity to study hardness behaviour of magnetite(Fe 304) under multicyclic indentation, Journal of Materials Research,Vol 24, n°3, pp 749-759 ( Université des Sciences et technologiesde Lill

Dans: 2009, (ACL).

2529 Entrées « 46 de 51 »